Lightyears to Nautical Leagues
Nautical Leagues to Lightyears (Swap Units)
Nautical Leagues:International Nautical Miles Decimal Fractions
Select resolution
1 significant figure
2 significant figures
3 significant figures
4 significant figures
5 significant figures
6 significant figures
7 significant figures
8 significant figures
Note: Fractional results are rounded to the nearest 1/64. For a more accurate answer please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.
Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.
Note: For a pure decimal result please select 'decimal' from the options above the result.
A lightyear is the distance that light travels in one year. Since there are various definitions for the length of a year, there are correspondingly slightly different values for a lightyear. One lightyear corresponds to about 9.461e15 m, 5.879e12 mi, or 63239.7 AU, or 0.3066 pc.
Lightyears to Nautical Leagues formula
A nautical league was 6,080 yards - or three nautical miles (each league being 6,080 feet). Note that there also US Leagues, UK Leagues and UK Nautical Leagues which all differ.
Lightyears to Nautical Leagues table
Increment: 1000
Increment: 100
Increment: 20
Increment: 10
Increment: 5
Increment: 2
Increment: 1
Increment: 0.1
Increment: 0.01
Increment: 0.001
Fractional: 1/64
Fractional: 1/32
Fractional: 1/16
Fractional: 1/8
Fractional: 1/4
Fractional: 1/2
Select resolution
1 significant figure
2 significant figures
3 significant figures
4 significant figures
5 significant figures
6 significant figures
7 significant figures
8 significant figures
Nautical Leagues:International Nautical Miles Decimal Fractions
Print table
< Smaller Values
Larger Values >
Nautical Leagues
0 ly
0.00 nl
1 ly
1702795305358.33 nl
2 ly
3405590610716.66 nl
3 ly
5108385916074.99 nl
4 ly
6811181221433.33 nl
5 ly
8513976526791.66 nl
6 ly
10216771832149.99 nl
7 ly
11919567137508.32 nl
8 ly
13622362442866.65 nl
9 ly
15325157748224.98 nl
10 ly
17027953053583.31 nl
11 ly
18730748358941.64 nl
12 ly
20433543664299.98 nl
13 ly
22136338969658.31 nl
14 ly
23839134275016.64 nl
15 ly
25541929580374.97 nl
16 ly
27244724885733.30 nl
17 ly
28947520191091.63 nl
18 ly
30650315496449.96 nl
19 ly
32353110801808.29 nl
Nautical Leagues
20 ly
34055906107166.62 nl
21 ly
35758701412524.96 nl
22 ly
37461496717883.29 nl
23 ly
39164292023241.62 nl
24 ly
40867087328599.95 nl
25 ly
42569882633958.28 nl
26 ly
44272677939316.62 nl
27 ly
45975473244674.95 nl
28 ly
47678268550033.27 nl
29 ly
49381063855391.61 nl
30 ly
51083859160749.94 nl
31 ly
52786654466108.27 nl
32 ly
54489449771466.60 nl
33 ly
56192245076824.93 nl
34 ly
57895040382183.27 nl
35 ly
59597835687541.59 nl
36 ly
61300630992899.93 nl
37 ly
63003426298258.26 nl
38 ly
64706221603616.59 nl
39 ly
66409016908974.92 nl
Nautical Leagues
40 ly
68111812214333.25 nl
41 ly
69814607519691.59 nl
42 ly
71517402825049.92 nl
43 ly
73220198130408.25 nl
44 ly
74922993435766.58 nl
45 ly
76625788741124.91 nl
46 ly
78328584046483.23 nl
47 ly
80031379351841.58 nl
48 ly
81734174657199.91 nl
49 ly
83436969962558.23 nl
50 ly
85139765267916.56 nl
51 ly
86842560573274.89 nl
52 ly
88545355878633.23 nl
53 ly
90248151183991.56 nl
54 ly
91950946489349.89 nl
55 ly
93653741794708.22 nl
56 ly
95356537100066.55 nl
57 ly
97059332405424.89 nl
58 ly
98762127710783.22 nl
59 ly
100464923016141.55 nl