How to convert 15 Newton-meters to Foot-pounds
Multiply the Newton-meters value by the Newton-meters to Foot-pounds conversion factor: 15 / 1.3558182227392 = 11.06343
For more information please visit: Newton-meters to Foot-pounds
Metric Conversions.
15Nm = 11.06343ft-lb
Note: You can increase or decrease the accuracy of this answer by selecting the number of significant figures required from the options above the result.
Foot-pounds = Newton-meters / 1.35581822
Foot-pounds = Newton-meters / 1.35581822
Foot-pounds = 15 / 1.3558182227392
Foot-pounds = 11.06343
Multiply the Newton-meters value by the Newton-meters to Foot-pounds conversion factor: 15 / 1.3558182227392 = 11.06343
For more information please visit: Newton-meters to Foot-pounds